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  • Centrepoint

    Daily housing support for young people aged 16–25. Monday to Friday 10:00-12:30 and 13:30-16:30 (except Wednesday afternoon).

    Telephone: 0161 228 7654

  • Cornerstone Day Centre

    Drop-in service offering telephone, showers, meals, advice, dentist, haircuts, opticians, internet access, employment support and housing support.

    Monday to Friday 10:30am -16:00pm

    Address: 104b Denmark Road, M15 6JS

    Telephone: 0161 232 8888

  • Lifeshare

    Offering breakfast, showers, toiletries and clothing.

    Saturday and Sunday 07:00am -21:00pm

    Address: 142 Dantzic Street, M4 4DN.

    Telephone: 0161 235 0744

  • Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)

    Women only. MASH offers free support for women who sex work or women who are at risk of sex working. You do not need an appointment and can pop in whenever the drop-in is open.

    Telephone: 0800 183 0499 or 0161 273 4555

  • Mustard Tree

    Monthly (£10) clothing and footwear allowance for people
    sleeping rough. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00-16:00 (closed
    Thursdays), Saturday 10:00-16:00. 110 Oldham Road, M4 6AG.

    Telephone: 0161 228 7331

  • Shelter

    Free, confidential and impartial advice, support and guidance for anyone who is homeless or in housing need and/or has debt or benefit problems. Specialist level advice, legal representation, support to access the private rented sector and guided self-help and access to information and resources around housing, welfare benefits and debt.

    Telephone: 0344 515 1640

  • The Men’s Room

    Men Only. Day support, advice and advocacy for young men 18-30 years old.

    Tuesday to Thursday 10:00am -15:00pm

    Address: 113 Fairfield Street, First Floor, M12 6EL

    Telephone: 0161 834 1827